October 11, 2001 – Perfection Nevada

Graboids reappear in the town of perfection just after former resident Melvin Plug started attempting to buyout local residents to turn the entire town into a housing project called Perfection Valley Ranchettes.Burt Gummer and the rest of the town rally to destroy the new hoard of creatures but the United States Department of the Interior steps in and orders a Graboid to be captured alive. assblaster

Before they can capture a Graboid alive the creatures turn into Shriekers and then again into flying creatures that propel themselves into the air using a chemical reaction generated in their abdomen (tail).

Another unusual development in this outbreak is that one Graboid was born an albino and seems incapable of metamorphosing into a Shrieker. This great white Graboid becomes knows to the townspeople as El Blanco.

El Blanco is left alive and the United States Department of the Interior deems Perfection Valley a protected area preventing Melvin Plug from developing his Perfection Valley Ranchettes.

Now the people of Perfection are living with a graboid and who knows what else will come there way…


October 11, 2001 – Perfection Nevada was last modified: by

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