Are the tongues of Graboids, which appear to operate independently of one another, connected to the Shriekers eventually “born” from the Graboid? Are they like independent umbilical cords each working for an individual Shrieker within?

Ummm, we see where you’re coming from, we think, but the answer is no.  Shriekers do not appear inside an adult Graboid until right before they’re “born.”  Science would love to be able to study a living Graboid in which Shriekers have started to grow, but so far that opportunity hasn’t come up.  Thus far it appears that El Blanco, the albino Graboid now living in Perfection Valley will never reproduce.

Are the tongues of Graboids, which appear to operate independently of one another, connected to the Shriekers eventually “born” from the Graboid? Are they like independent umbilical cords each working for an individual Shrieker within? was last modified: by

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