How were the “snake” parts of the graboids made? I think I read somewhere a long time back they were pantyhose with “stuff” stuffed in them? (OK, I’m planning to go to a convention cosplaying as Val and a graboid would help sell it…)

We’re probably answering this question too late (we’ve been busy!).  Hope the convention went okay.   The Graboid tentacles were made in a number of ways.  Most were sculpted in clay and then cast in various kinds of rubber, then elaborately painted.  Some had extremely complex mechanical skeletons.  Some were simple hand-puppets.  The reference to panty hose probably refers to the graboid intestines, seen in the movie after the monsters are blown up.  Some “guts” were panty hose filled with things like canned pureed pumpkin, or other things the creature effects people dreamed up.  The Tremors Blu-ray DVD has some very nice behind-the-scenes extras showing most of this.

How were the “snake” parts of the graboids made? I think I read somewhere a long time back they were pantyhose with “stuff” stuffed in them? (OK, I’m planning to go to a convention cosplaying as Val and a graboid would help sell it…) was last modified: by

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