In some of the TV series episodes with “Larry,” he’s drives a red car with automatic seatbelts. I’m not sure what make and model of car he has so I can’t look it up. Were the seat belts fitted as standard or were they added by Larry to try and show how “geeky” he was?

I’m going to have to take a guess here.  We were not on location in Mexico most of the time, so many decisions were made without our input.  And we are no longer in touch with most of the production team.  The car was probably rented in Mexico.  And, given our very low budget, I doubt that anyone took the extra time or money to install special seat belts.

Note: if any fans recognize the car and know more about it, let us know here at the FAQ!

We got a fan reply!  We are posting it below.  Thanks!

Responding to question about Larry's red car. It was a Toyota Camry. I had the same car, same color. Mine was a 1991, not sure what year Larry's was. The shoulder seatbelts being automatic was indeed a Toyota function and was very annoying.   Lap belts were manual and separate from the shoulder belts. Great little car for its time. 
Oh, yeah, I was driving my 91 the same time Larry was driving his on the show. In an even weirder coincidence, my wife had an 89 Mustang like Rosalita's, only hers was white.
In some of the TV series episodes with “Larry,” he’s drives a red car with automatic seatbelts. I’m not sure what make and model of car he has so I can’t look it up. Were the seat belts fitted as standard or were they added by Larry to try and show how “geeky” he was? was last modified: by

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