It’s both a movie review AND a question! But hey, the internet has unlimited space. As to the question part, all of us creators of the first Tremors grew up when westerns were very much in vogue. So at least subconsciously they had influence. But we’d also spent lots of time wandering around the small towns and ghost towns and abandoned mines of the southwest. It was the people and the look of those modern day Western places that had the most impact on writing and later shooting the film.
Obviously, the Tremors franchise has many fans. However, I’ve personally talked with many fans that do not particularly like the fourth film, and it’s common to see it listed as the “worst” in articles that cover the whole series (sometimes even behind the fifth and sixth movies, which is just nonsense). I quite like it, if not necessarily as much as the first three or the series. My thinking is that this perception has more to do with a bias against westerns, as they’re no longer in vogue, as opposed to anything that’s actually deficient about the film on a qualitative level. Here’s the question: what western influence, if any, was there on the first Tremors movie? To my eyes, there are several elements that are similar between it and many classic westerns, but I want to hear what the people behind the film have to say. Thanks! was last modified: September 23rd, 2020 by
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