When we came up with graboids 30 years ago, you can be sure we never DREAMED we’d be asked questions like this. But hey, I’m happy you’re all out there still wondering such things. To be honest, when we did the series we did not have control or input over what the Sci-FI (SyFY) marketing department did. We were way too busy getting the episodes written and shot. I don’t think we ever even saw this reference. However, in reading it now, it sounds pretty logical! I will quibble and say that shriekers and ABs look like they have skeletons, so I’m not sure the whole graboid life cycle belongs with mollusks. But that’s probably already more than most of you want to know. Thanks for a rather science-heavy question!
Quote from Wikipedia: “Promotional material once hosted on the Sci-Fi Channel website gave them binomial names: Caederus americana (Graboid), C. mexicana (Shrieker), C. mexicana combustus (Ass-Blaster). It put them in the Sepioida order in the cephalopod class of mollusks, in a fictional family called Vermiformidae.” Is this, in any way, official or canon? I read the archived page and it gives some decent reasoning for the classifications such as the similarities between Graboids and Octopuses with their lack of skeletal structures and relatively high intelligence. was last modified: October 29th, 2019 by
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