Again, not a question, but an inventive if somewhat outlandish example of how far our supportive fans have gone in trying to figure out ways for us to keep working on Tremors-like-things.
Since you are forbidden from working on Tremors anymore why not just work on ‘Shaky Ground Monsters’ ? The Rocky series morphed to Creed. Instead of El Blanco, just call the critter La Blanca since gender identity is so fluid nowadays. Graboids are now Procurement – flagellates . Burt can be Bubbles, Earl can be Oil ( New Jersey native) , Val evolves to Valveeta (a cheesy name) and Rhonda advances to Rhodium (more valuable than gold) . Perfection becomes OCD-Burg. Who will S.S. Wilson transmogrify into ? was last modified: August 24th, 2021 by
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