What do Graboids taste like? Would any part of their body make a good meal and would the others Graboid forms taste better/worse?

As we keep saying, “Thirty years later and we’re STILL getting new questions!” We never thought about this.  But it’s surely the first thing any American hunter would have asked.  Our theory is, based on the strong smell and extremely powerful musculature, Graboid meat probably doesn’t taste very good and is extremely tough.  Maybe it would be okay made into sausage with lots of added spices.   Shriekers are technically young, so, maybe, a little better.  ABs are clearly very stringy and lean, so likely are not appetizing.  They’ be like eating crow or vulture.

What do Graboids taste like? Would any part of their body make a good meal and would the others Graboid forms taste better/worse? was last modified: by

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