What kind of game do you think the Graboid arcade was? Looking at the cabinet, both its structure and artwork seem to resemble earlier 80s arcade games like Pac-Man or Berzerk, rather than the ones being developed in the mid-90s. Could this suggest that the gameplay was similar to those arcades, in terms of genre or complexity? Lastly, assuming the Graboid cabinet was repurposed from an pre-existing one, would you happen to know which one?

We feel the arcade game was probably a side-scroller where you’re navigating a desert landscape avoiding graboids by moving slowly and/or hopping from rock to rock. The faster your character moves, the more noise he/she makes and the more graboids are attracted. Later you get a pole vault upgrade. Those concepts were being developed for a real Tremors video game years ago, but the company making it went under. Another lost opportunity.

As for where the cabinet came from, we no longer know unfortunately. Those decisions get made in the frantic rush of pre-production. Might’ve been bought somewhere or might’ve been quickly thrown together by our expert carpenters.

What kind of game do you think the Graboid arcade was? Looking at the cabinet, both its structure and artwork seem to resemble earlier 80s arcade games like Pac-Man or Berzerk, rather than the ones being developed in the mid-90s. Could this suggest that the gameplay was similar to those arcades, in terms of genre or complexity? Lastly, assuming the Graboid cabinet was repurposed from an pre-existing one, would you happen to know which one? was last modified: by

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