How about a full answer from Alec Gillis of Studio ADI, the designers and creators of the shriekers? —
The Shriekers were puppets whose outer skins were foam latex and fiberglass, and innards were cable articulated aluminum mechanisms. They stood about 4′ tall with heads about 2′ long. Most of their mechanisms were eventually salvaged and re-used on other creature builds.
Though most got repurposed, one may still be on display in the Lone Pine Movie Museum.
Finally, check out the awesome behind the scenes videos Studio ADI has done on the shriekers.
What were the shriekers made of, how did they make them and what materials, what was their size like the head, the body and the legs and finally what happened to the animatronics and the shrieker parts? was last modified: December 18th, 2023 by
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