There are two parts to this. In Tremors 1, we don’t think a Graboid ever attacks a vehicle that isn’t making noise. For example, after saving Mindy, Val jumps on their truck, and that makes noise, so that’s why the Graboid attacks it. Later, at Burt and Heather’s, the Graboid doesn’t bother their SUV until the creatures bumps it accidentally, causing the car alarm to go off. In Tremors 2, we tried to make the point that Earl, Grady and Burt have Graboid tracking devices in their vehicles. They are deliberately making noise to attract the monsters. So our logic was, any time they saw the signal of a Graobid, they’d stop the truck so it would remain safe, then use their remote control bait-bombs.
Why is it in T1 Graboids would suck the trucks down and pop the tires – even when the engines were off.. but in T2 they hunt from earls truck and they never get bothered? was last modified: June 1st, 2016 by
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