You guys are -understandably- harsh on Tremors 5. However, I believe the idea of different Graboid variants for different parts of the world is a interesting idea. Had the series continued under your banner, do you think that’s something you could have done? Like Graboids that can dig through harder ground types, Shriekers that can deafen or stun you with their screams, or Assblasters that can use their fiery farts as a weapon ala the Plasma Bugs from Starship Troopers?

Actually, our original script for Tremors 5, mostly not used in the final movie, included the idea that the Australian graboids were different from the U.S. ones. And it’s something we’d have liked to explore more had we continued with the series.

You guys are -understandably- harsh on Tremors 5. However, I believe the idea of different Graboid variants for different parts of the world is a interesting idea. Had the series continued under your banner, do you think that’s something you could have done? Like Graboids that can dig through harder ground types, Shriekers that can deafen or stun you with their screams, or Assblasters that can use their fiery farts as a weapon ala the Plasma Bugs from Starship Troopers? was last modified: by

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