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Smith And Wesson Model No. 3 top break

Smith And Wesson Model No. 3 top break
Old Fred's handgun is the Smith and Wesson top break .44 caliber single action revolver most commonly known as First Model American. It was called a top break because it had a latch just in front of the hammer. When the latch is released the Barrel and cylinder tip down and an automatic extractor expels the shells. This makes the weapon fast to load but wasteful if all rounds were not fired since any unspent shells are ejected along with the used ones, which one would then have to pick up and dust off. This is the main reason the US army picked the slower loading Colt Single Action Army as their primary weapon.Buffalo Bill Cody purchased an American in 1874 and Wyatt Earp was said to carry one at the Shootout at the O.K. Corral.Smith and Wesson also made the top break in.45 caliber Schofield. This handgun was considered to be one of the most accurate target pistols of the 19th century.
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