In the episode where El Blanco made a ninety degree turn and followed a straight line. Was that the location of the underground lab? Also would Burt have found the underground lab? If the lab would of been discovered would there be several mixmaster creatures in it or maybe one big one that ate all the others and using the lab as a lair?

Yes, El Blanco is following one wall of the underground lab. It’s one of Burt’s early clues once he learns about its existence. And yes, if we’d had another season of episodes, it would have been fun to finally enter the lab and possibly make discoveries like those you propose.

In the episode where El Blanco made a ninety degree turn and followed a straight line. Was that the location of the underground lab? Also would Burt have found the underground lab? If the lab would of been discovered would there be several mixmaster creatures in it or maybe one big one that ate all the others and using the lab as a lair? was last modified: by

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